In der Krone ist großer Manöverball Erwin Hartung, 1935
Erwin Hartung, Fritz Domina mit seinem Tanzorchester, Aufnahme 1935, Erwin Hartung, Fritz Domina with his dance orchestra, recorded 1935, Kristall BerlinReinickendorf, BNr. 3553, Bayrische G schichten, In der Krone ist großer Manöverball Kanal: Berolina (bitte abonnieren, es lohnt sich) English translation: There is a big maneuver ball in the Krone The regiment dances until next day in the morning And the girls are all so pretty and buxom It is dance pleasure like never before The music plays with Tschingderassasa And none is missing, the whole village is there Because there is a big maneuver ball in the Krone The regiment dances until morning