Psychedelic Trap Mix Trippin Down the Trapin Whole Live Audio Visual Experience
Psychedelic Trap Mix with live recorded reactive visuals. Instructions Watch and listen while high on life or substances in accordance with your local laws if you chose to bother with them. After 69 minutes stop watching, do 6 pushups, and 9 situps. , ,, WARNING, ,, This video may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised. What is it Dark down tempo trap between 70120 bpm locked to a uniform 95 bpm, then pitched up 8. The songs are automixed in Traktor using continuous play with a 11 second crossfade. This is played into Synesthesia running the Churning scene by Victor S and uses clips from Alice and wonderland, pole dancers, clips of thirst traps being thirsty, and other lost and found videos as media sources. The output was recorded live in one take and uploaded unedited. What did I do Well first of all I ruined my streak of 69 minute l