Worlds Smallest Nintendo 64 portable
I have fulfilled my destiny of building the Worlds Smallest N64 Portable. Want to see an actually good N64 portable Checkout the N64SP v2 All N64 Buttons Accounted for: Left stick click is L. Pressing the right stick click changes the left stick between analog and dpad mode. R and Z are on the corners. The right stick emulates the C buttons. Yes, this uses a real N64 motherboard and plays real game cartridges. Other Specs: 3. 5 320x240 LCD Display 1 18650 battery cell which can power it for 1. 5 hours Headphone jack and speakers. The plus, minus buttons on the front are volume increase, decrease Uses 12V DC barrel jack charger and it can play, charge at the same time Does not have an expansion pak. I dont play many expansion pak games, I can live without it. Expansion paks are expensive these days and it would significantly decrease the battery life My stuff: Instagram: Twitter: Website: https