Freddy Lindquist Menu 1970 ( Norway, Heavy Progressive Rock)
Freddy Lindquist (born in Oslo on 12 December 1946) is a Norwegian guitarist. Growing up Freddy Lindquist grew up in Kjelsås in Oslo, and played clarinet in the Grefsen school choir. He quickly got tired of this and stopped practicing, but the gain was that he learned sheet music. However, the interest in music did not disappear even though the uniform and the clarinet were returned. There was also a lot of music playing in the home with a mother playing the accordion and a father playing the guitar. So Freddy took up the guitar and received basic guidance from home. Otherwise he is needed Together with two mates, he formed the trio Modern 5. It was Lindquist on guitar, Jens Haugen (later guitarist in Telemark Blueslag) played maracas and system man played clarinet. They performed at various events at the school and at the Uranienborg Club, where organist Kjell Aas, according to himself, barely got to play a little with them. Freddy Lindquist himself refers to the