MASSIVE CARGO PORT, Большой порт Санкт Петербург
The Great Port of St. Petersburg is a major seaport serving the city of St. Petersburg in northwest Russia. The port s water area is 164. 6 square kilometers and the overall shoreline is 31 km long. I tried to recreate the infrastructure 1:1, incl. cargo docks, container, oil, grain, metals and other terminals just as in real life. Really happy with how it ended up, and how much it is actually used by ingame AI. Don t forget to hit the like button and subscrie to my channel PC: AMD Ryzen 5 3400G 3. 70GHz, 32GB RAM, Radeon Vega GPU Поддержать канал: Support my channel: Intro, Начало 0:000:20 Aerial overview, Обзор 0:211:07 Oil terminal, Нефтяной терминал 1:081:18 Grain terminal, Балкерный терминал 1:191:29 Container terminal, Контейнерный терминал 1:301:51 Coal terminal, Угольный терминал 1:522:34 Highway, ЗСД 2:353:20 Rail infrastructure, жд Инфраструктура 3:213:42 Scrap yards, Свалки 3:433:53 New port, Новый порт 3:544:46 Shipyards, Верфи 4:475:44 , citiesskylines, saintpetersburg, санктпетербург