Сожранные живьем, Eaten alive
Donations for animal food PayPal: Please don t forget to subscribe to our second channel we are very happy to welcome new and old friends This is the story of two homeless dogs It s not just hunger and cold outside, it s also the slow death of being eaten alive. Ticks and fleas are the bane of dogs and cats The first dog with a bullet lodged in his side was near death. Doctors kept him on IVs for a week until the boy got better He had severe pyraplasmosis (poisoning from multiple tick bites) The second dog was found in the woods, tied up on a rope He had practically no hair on him, he had been eaten by fleas and skin mites. How he survived in the cold tied up in the woods is unbelievable Shaggy Soul is a Nokill animal shelter located in Russia. More than 1800 dogs and This shelter is a nonprofit organization run solely by volunteers. We don t have government funding We