GEC Factory Buildings (1910 1929)
GEC Factory Buildings. General Electric Company plant location of events unknown. Pan across open field w, nothing in it. Finally a few trees; then building w, tower silhouetted in BG. Series of establishing shots; of various buildings. Rows of identical buildings company houses Then long 3story buildings; a large institutional looking building. Finally smokestacks etc. ; sign in BG GEC. Closer view panning on the 3 story warehouse; GEC Company Stores on side. Also closer view of large bldg. w, many tall arched windows; name of company on too. More fairly close shots panning on GEC Steel Conduit Works; GEC Power House and Test House; GEC Foundry. 2storey middle class residential house w, small garden; tree in front; pan right; looks like similar house next door w, yard between. Back to the plant; man hurries past long low building. Another shot of houses; from across street; showing row of identical houses company houses Much more footage of GEC follows; showing interiors workers. FIL