10 Most Dangerous Cities In The United States for 2023
Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities In The United States for 2023 including most dangerous cities to live in America and dangerous place to live in the US. No one wants to believe that they live in a dangerous city. But the fact of the matter is that your city may not be as safe as the city next door. But instead of running and hiding under the covers, it s better to get informed which cities in America should you pay a little more attention to your surroundings as you walk home from work What is the most dangerous city in America It turns out that, based on the most recent FBI Crime data, St. Louis, MO has attained the throne of the city with the highest crime rate. It ranked as the most dangerous city in America for 2023 based on the data. And while these places are some of the most dangerous in America, you have to remember America is a safe place to live relative to the rest of the world. Be glad you don t live in Caracas, Venezuela where the murder rate is 2x higher than any US City.