Megadeth United Abominations
Book a cabin on MegaCruise: Find Megadeth Beer near you: Subscribe here: United Abominations Within striking distance from Ground Zero Sits a smoldering international cauldron The United Abominations as it were Born to prevent wars, it froze in the face of disaster And stood silent while terrorization took hostage the world In a mire of hypocrisy The UN ignores sex crimes by its own bluehelmets And enables terrorism; so that in the end it s failed And the UN is where our socalled friends Get to stab us in the back And we pay 22 of their tab to host our enemies here at home Ambassadors from countries, otherwise known as a catastrophe Enjoy diplomatic immunity living in Manhattan While their children are turned into prostitutes It s a complete and utter disgrace, a blot on the face of humanity And they get away