Idol Zero Full
AMV Idol Studio アイドルスタジオ Read: I haven t uploaded a full AMV for a long time. I m sorry for some glitches with some effects, but my Vegas decided to be bitchy(well the video has 1240 Layers(I used actually 6 project files and most off them was over 200 layers)). I almost dropped the project, because the song was getting on my nerves, but I m still glad, that I didn t give up. I hope you like the video even its crappy. Song: PM me or look at the title Artist: PM me Anime: Various Couples: Various Layers: 1240(in 6 project files) Programs: Sony Vegas Pro 9. 0 Time: over 2 months Dedicated To: my friends and subscribers Honors: , 96 Heiß diskutiert (heute) , 2 Heiß diskutiert (heute) Gemeinnütziges Engage br, br,