2, 200 GOLD 50 SILVER This Is the Greatest Bullish Signal for Gold and Silver David Morgan
2, 200 GOLD 50 SILVER This Is the Greatest Bullish Signal for Gold and Silver David Morgan David Morgan, a sound money advocate, discusses the Dutch Central Bank s preparation for a gold standard, bank failures, and CBDCs with Daniela Cambone. He emphasizes gold s potential to surpass 2100 dollars, anticipating new highs in various currencies. In a financial collapse, gold and silver are seen as the money of Last Historical data suggests that silver performs well in a stock market crash if it is already in a bull market, while gold is likely to rise instead of fall during such crashes. David mentions the possibility of a gold or pseudogold standard, where a certain percentage of the currency is backed by gold. The Dutch Central Bank s acknowledgment that gold is the safe haven during financial collapse implies a lack of confidence in its currency s resilience. Indirectly, the DNB urges people to own gold for financial protection, potent