14 Stretches You Should Do Each Morning
Stretching is important because it helps develop strength as well as flexibility. Both lead to an increase in physical power. The Full Stretch workout targets the entire body. It will increase your range of motion and leave you feeling freer within your own body. 0:00 Ankle Circles 0:40 Heel Touches 1:20 Hip Circles 2:00 Knee Circles 2:40 Torso rotation 3:20 Slopes Towards 4:00 Wrist Circles 4:41 Wrist Pull Stretch 5:21 Arm Circles 6:01 One Arm Circling 6:41 Above Head Stretch 7:21 Arms Flinging 8:01 Front Toe Touching 8:41 Neck Side Stretch , Stretch, Stretching, Warmup, Homeworkout stretching exercises for beginners, stretching exercises for beginners at home, flexibility exercises at home, stretching exercises for seniors, stretching exercises with pictures and instructions, hamstring stretch, stretching exercise benefits, 12 stretching exercises. What are 10 stretching exercises What s the best exercise for stretch What are the 5