Crackhead Tries to Fight Animal Rights Activists and Gets Put Down
Friday 19th July 2024. A group of peaceful animal rights activists took to the streets of Brighton to show the public footage of the UKs animal agriculture industries, and the torture and misery of its victims. Aside from vigils, which I find so incredibly painful, this is a particularly difficult form of activism for me as it means having to see this horrific footage, engaging with Normal conforming, thick, and devoid of consciousness People who I typically avoid like the plague, and all too often being threatened, abused and assaulted whilst expected to rise above it. It often intensifies my already raging misanthropy. The waster in the video was gunning for a fight from the off, feigning concern about children sitting on a bench with their mum, claiming that the footage was scaring them. We calmly explained that the victims are the animals being imprisoned, gassed, electrocuted, beaten and shot, NOT the humans confronted with these consequences of their selfish choices.