069 Eighteenth century Rigs Rigging by Karl Heinz Marquardt
, shipmodeling, shipmodelinglibrary, olhabatchvarov OVERVIEW Eighteenthcentury Rigs Rigging by Karl Heinz All videos about the LIBRARY in the PLAYLIST: Which book would you like me to overview in the next edition Ship Decoration (16301780) by Andrew Peters SHIP MODELS Their purpose and development from 1650 to the present by Brian Lavery and Simon Stephens The Young Sea Officer s Sheet Anchor (Or a Key to the Leading of Rigging and to Practical Seamanship) by Darcy Lever The FRIGATE CONSTITUTION and other Historic Ships by F. Alexasder Magoun, S. B., S. M. JOHN PAUL JONES and THE BONOMME RICHARD by JEAN BOUDRIOT The MODEL SHIP her role in history by Norman Napier Boyd WARRIOR The World s First Ironclad Then and Now by Andrew Lambert PrisonerofWar Ship Models 17751825 by Ewart C. Freeston your choice Channel s main page: Subscribe to the channel not to miss