March of the Orcs Theme Suite: Lord of The Rings: Howard Shore
, LordOfTheRings, HowardShore, SoundtrackCentral Music By: Howard Shore Tracklist: 00:00 The Caverns of Isengard 04:45 Storm of Saroumane 06:26 Orcs Arrive 07:31 Hunt 08:18 Battle In The Woods 09:32 Hait For Merry Pippin 11:10 Isengard 14:30 Urukhai Track 15:24 Wolf Riders of Isengard 18:12 The Saruman s Army 19:00 Battle of The Hornburg 20:21 The Launch of Gimli 21:31 Sad Reality 22:17 The Witch King Calls His Troops 24:05 The Siege of Gondor, Catapults 29:42 The Seat of Gondor, Trolls 30:46 The Orc Company 32:27 Inspection, Towards Gorgoroth Support me on Patreon Follow me on twitter Check out my SoundCloud: