Forever young Raquel Welch, what is her secret Forever young stars
Hi Alex is with you and you are on the channel Hack the age. We continue the series of programs about people who literally outsmarted time and do not look at the age in the passport in any way. Not so long ago I told you about the eternally young Masako Mizutani. Here is the link Today it s Raquel Welch s turn and her secrets of youth Write in the comments how much you will give the woman in the photo. This is a model, actress and icon of America of the 70s, Raquel Welch, and she is almost 82 years old at the time of the video s release. The star was born on September 5, 1940. From her Bolivian father, Raquel inherited a colorful Latin American appearance, and from her English mother, a stately posture and a noble appearance. Raquel Welch conquered America in a dear for bikini in the 1966 film A Million Years BC. So what helps the most desirable actress of the 70s to maintain charm and beauty half a century after the cra