How To Crochet The Lo Li Lo Square, An Overlay Crochet Granny Square Tutorial
Join both Tess (from us at SistersInStitch) and Ilse (from MyCroshed) in this overlay crochet granny square video tutorial. Tess (Therese Eghult) and Ilse (Ilse Beulens) had Sweden meet Belgium and together they created this wonderful crochet design; shaping every other round whilst having a blast and many many late night laughs between two friends sitting on the opposite side of an ocean. Friends are never apart, maybe at distance but never at heart This highly textured yet calm square makes a perfect base for crochet makes such as pillows, blankets, book covers; or why not a wall hanging You ll find the written pattern, inspirational pictures, other colorways and much more over at our homepage: We wish you lots of fun, happy crocheting xxx Tess Ilse We Are All: SistersInStitch Scroll to the bottom to find clickable links (the Quick Clicks) for each round to make it easy for you br, br,