Gargoyles Quest ( Game Boy) Playthrough Nintendo Complete
A complete playthrough of Capcom s 1990 Nintendo Game Boy action RPG game, Gargoyle s Quest. Gargoyle s Quest was the first game in the Ghouls n Ghosts spinoff trilogy featuring Firebrand, the red devil that absolutely tortured us all in the mainline series games. It combines RPG exploration with some tough platforming, and it makes for a very good mix. Just think of it as Zelda 2, only set in Hell and with better controls. The music can be amazingly creepy for a Game Boy game, and those graphics have a ton of detail in them for such an early title on the system. This took a bit of practice, but I really don t think it s anywhere near as hard as so many people say. If you play it a few times and learn the level layouts, it s actually on the easy side for a Capcom platformer. If you got discouraged by Ghouls n Ghosts, try this one out you might fare much better While I love both the main and the spinoff series, I gotta say, I far prefer the Gargoyle s Quest titles. Recorded in Retroarch u