BROCKHAMPTON I Miss The Band Already Radio Ep. 3 (11, 23, 22)
the show is over streamed live on Amp Radio 00:00 Big Pussy 02:17 NEW SHOES 05:36 WELCOME, THE WHOLE GANG IS HERE MINUS 2 06:10 sexting (w, HK) 08:15 chat questions 08:23 whos under the brown bag 08:59 favorite song that DIDN T make the cut 09:00 DONT BE FAMOUS discussion 09:33 Merlyn s personal favorite 11:46 The Ending 14:30 one entire thing vs. separate things analogy comparisons to other albums 15:45 going to the record store w, Ciaran 16:23 sampling 16:49 ritual of ideas from listening to records 17:08 nice fish sandwiches 17:38 RZA sampling 18:02 Ian s favorite memory 19:37 lowercase 20:10 structure of tracks 20:30 idea of the structure tracklist of the family 21:04 Merlyn s favorite part of the process of making TF 21:24 New York mentality vs LA mentality 21:53 big studios 23:00 Romil s observations during recordi