30 Minute Dance Party Workout With Sheela Awe, POPSUGAR FITNESS
Join host, choreographer, and content creator Sheela Awe, who will be leading this 30minute highenergy danceparty workout joined by Lilian Gonzalez and Stephanie Jones This followalong dance workout is the perfect way to get your heart rate up while learning some new hiphopinspired party moves. Youll be sure to dance full out and knock out your cardio Don t be surprised if you end up bringing what you learn to your next New Year s celebration Sheela Awe is a content creator, host, choreographer, and entertainer born in South Korea, raised in South East Asia, and educated at The New School in New York. She loves including humor in her content because she thinks laughter is the best medicine. Find more from our dancers on their Instagrams: Gonzalez: Jones: Don t miss new episod