Dr. Adenauer Visits Oxford. (1951)
Oxford, Oxfordshire LS. GV. Wadham s College. LS. GV. Balliol College. Dr. Adenauer being welcomed by Sir David Lindsay Kier. LS. The group enters through College gates. Students looking on. MS. Back view. The Group enters through College gates. Students looking on. LS. The group walking through the Fellow s Garden. (2 shots) LS. The group walking up steps, to the Great Dining Hall. (2 shots) LS. The group coming out of the Great Dining Hall. Adenauer shaking hands with masters, and then enters car. LS. Cars driving away. LS. Adenauer and group entering New College. LS. The group walking through arch into the Chapel. LS. The Group walking through cloisters LS. Party come out of Cloisters to look at Chapel roof. LS. Group looking up pan to Chapel tower (Bad light) LS. and MS. The Chapel. The party reentering the Cloisters LS. Head of New College explaining to Dr. Adenhauer. The group standing in front of the Chapel. LS. Pan from top of tower to group walking through gates. LS. Group walking through iron