Students of Dr York Galaxtic Family of Life class 17 ( Who are the Dero )
There is a race of beings living underground in advance cave systems called the Dero. They are a crossbreed race between the Tero(Coneheads) and the Furgelrods. They then crossbreed with Penguins and Cow Dna. This mixing took place in the land of Nod(Iraq). 6000 years ago. Many races came down and mix together. In this land they were having sex with everybody and everything. They would find a tree with a hole in it and put honey in it and go to banging. They were doing all kinds ofbeastiality with animals. The Dero come out of this gene Dero look simlar to human with a few different grow to 7 feet tall and are extremely obese and can weigh as much as 800 appear to be bloated and in fact they are. They suffer from gastric dilatation. This happen because they cant breathe and eat at the same time. They eat very fast and air get trap in thier stomach like a bulldog. They pass gas through the mouth which is called belching or burping. They burp real loud. The smells of th