Nouns (common proper nouns) + movie genres, Learn English Mark Kulek ESL
Learn English: Basic Grammar Course Common Proper Nouns + Movie Genres. My Playlists: Basic Grammar Course Video, 4. Keywords: boy David, girl Sarah, cat Felix, city Los Angeles, street Elm Street, bridge Golden Gate Bridge, motherinlaw Joan, astronaut Paul, doctor Lois. Each conversation is illustrated and color coded for better understanding. This is an interactive listening and speaking video. Please listen and then repeat after Mark. Have fun learning English and speak English now. TimeStamps 0:00 Intro 0:35 boy, girl, cat 1:49 around town 3:05 professions 4:19 Movies English in use: He is a boy. He s name is David. , She is a girl. Her name is Sarah. , It is a cat. Its name is Felix. This is a city. This is Los Angeles. , This is a street. This is Elm Street. , This is a bridge. This is the Golden Gate Bridge. This is my motherinlaw. Her name is Joan. , He is an astronaut. He is Paul. , She is