You should wear an IMPACT VEST for Big Air Kiting , Get High with Mike, Just The Tip Tuesday
You should wear an IMPACT VEST for Big Air Kiting Just The Tip Tuesday. If you like to jump and you want to progress then you should FOR SURE be wearing an impact vest. I can t count how many times my impact vest has saved me from broken ribs That s an injury that puts you out of the water for ages and slows your progress big time Win an impact vest B o o k a B I G A I R a n d O L D S C H O O L C L I N I C : Follow me: Instagram: Facebook: Website: Gear I ride: CORE Xr Sensor 3 Pro Bar (22m on 9m and smaller kites. 24m on 10m+). Carved Imperator 135cm. CORE Union Comfort straps. Ride Engine Elite Carbon Harness