Mozambique Frelimo Freedom Songs
1. Myaka Khume (Ten Years) 2. A Tiku Leli Musambiki (Mozambique Is Our Country) 3. O Aviao Presidencial Foi Car Em M buzini (The President s Plane Crashed In M buzini) 4. Liberdade A Alegria (Liberty Is Happiness) 5. Sonos Construtores Do Mocambique Novo (We Are The Builders Of A New Mozambique) 6. Docta Mondlane E Josina Machel (A song Celebrating The Heroes Who Fell In The Fight For The Nation s Liberty) 7. Josina 8. Saudamos Os Responsaveis (We Greet Our Leaders) 9. Continua A Dirigir A Nacao, Pai Samora br, br,