Strongest Men VS Strongest Fish
In this episode of BlacktipH, I go fishing with some of the strongest men in the world to try battle one the strongest fish in the world I invited JujiMufu (fitness freak and social media celebrity), Devon Larratt (World Arm Wrestling Champion and exspecial forces), and Layne Norton (World Champion powerlifter and fitness expert) on a quest to catch some monster Goliath groupers using standup tackle. Everyone quickly discovered how difficult it is to catch goliath groupers using standup tackle. All three men had very intense battles with these sea monsters BlacktipH Products: Jon Call aka JujiMufu Social Media: Subscribe to JujiMufu Follow JujiMufu on Instagram jujimufu Devon Larratt Social Media: Subscribe to Devon Larratt Follow Devon Larratt on Instagram devlarratt Like Devon Larratt on Facebook Layne Norton social media YouTube: Subs