Walkthrough Korn Deluxe Working from
In this video we start from scratch. We show you the functionality of Korn and how everything works and how Korn sounds. We are going to several stages of editing a sound and show you the wide range of possibilities. About Korn: Korn is a Kontaktbased granular engine that delivers unique and inspiring results. It works as a sampleonshot player as well as a looper and granular engine with beautiful cloud textures of up to 5 grains. As a source you can fall back on an included library of over 150 carefully selected samples from the complete CI library. But you can also simply throw your own samples onto Korn. Korn comes with over 200 presets from the Textures, Clouds, Pads, Lead and Percussive, Rhythmic sections, which already provide you with a very complex selection of possibilities. More Infos at: