Miles Edgeworth My Journey
Karma has a strange way to show Manfred Von Karma Happy new year everyone This is the last video i upload here with this formula. Don t get me wrong, i will continue to do some videos. In fact, i work on a way to make evolve the channel with a lot of new stuffs and experiments I will continue tributes and AMV, but this channel will not be focus only on that. Futhermore, i have planned to improve my skills in this area, since i found myself kind of unsatisfied about the majority of my edits here. Be sure to have some content on this channel in the following weeks; ) Peace Le karma se révèle parfois de manière bien Manfred Von Karma Bonne année à tous Voici la dernière vidéo que je compte publier sous cette formule. Ne vous méprenez pas, je compte continuer les vidéos. En effet, je travaille actuellement sur une manière de faire évoluer la chaîn