Lunas Tranquil Night
OrchestralDesign Well Im back. I finished spring semester. So now its time to musickz This was created as a reprise to Wintertime in Equestria. It has relatively the same instrumentation, however I did add a new instrument I have never used before, Tibetan Singing Bowls, they sound interesting, kind of like a celesta or a vibraphone but different in timber so I might incorporate them more often. Other than that I used mainly stock Logic Pro instruments, I did use LA Scoring Strings to help fill out the harmonies in places. Going to Everfree, so whoever is going Ill see you there in like 1. 5 month s. Im also putting up a bandcamp and accepting donations to help pay for Everfree. All my stuff is still free. Links for pictures: Luna Pic at the end DL link: