Fast Walking in 30 minutes, Power Walking Intervals to Get Fit
30 minutes of fast power walking can provide you with a great workout to get fit with over 3500 steps You can absolutely pick up the pace to a jog or run if you wish to get in more steps in just 30 minutes. This workout can definitely be modified to be slow or fast walking intervals. If you re used to working out with Improved Health, this is considered an intermediate level workout. Total step count today is 3596 steps. If you enjoyed the workout, please hit the like button (thumbs up) and write a comment If you wish to donate to help support the channel, you can donate here: Paypal: Patreon: Thank you so much for all of your support. Wishing you improved health, Jules 00:00 Warmup 05:00 Power Walking 25:00 Cooldown 30:05 Stretching 33:47 Ending Words , walkingworkout, walkingvideo, walkathome Links to intermediate allinone workouts:, 1: htt