Mr Beast: Capitalism Philanthropy
A look at the darker side of MrBeasts philanthropy and the wider philanthrocapitalist model it s a part of. Looking specifically at, teamseas and a partnership with JennieO, I attempt to untangle how corporations and conglomerates like CocaCola, chemical and oil companies, and big meat monopolies all have a vested interest in financing certain philanthropic projects while sidelining others. This is a story that takes some surprising twists and turns, from whitewashing, greenwashing funwashing sponsorships, to illegal pricefixing, an endemic of farmer suicides, and leaked corporate emails to influence charities. Examining the roots and consequences of philanthrocapitalism tells us a lot about how lobbying works under modern capitalism. This is a long video, but itll be worth it to tell this story properly. Chapters: 00:00 MrBeast 03:26 Preface American Mythology 07:52 Chapter 1 Jimmy the Capitalist 15:12 Chapter 2 The Birth of Philanthrocapitalism 2