Holier than Thou: Precision Holes by Drilling, Boring, and Reaming
It s imperative that design engineers understand the full journey of the parts they design, from the drawing definition, through manufacturing, and inspection. One of the most common features in machine design is a hole. Whether it accepts a bolt or holds a precision bearing, it has to be the right size and in the right location for the machine to function properly. In this video, we ll outline the considerations for designing holes and precision bores, give you some tips for machining them reliably and costeffectively, and compare the different ways they may be inspected. 00:00 Introduction 00:47 Precision Bores in Machine Design 02:36 Limits of Size of Holes 03:03 GD T Location Controls 03:55 GD T Form Controls 04:43 GD T Orientation Controls 05:31 Surface Finish 06:26 Drilled Holes 07:33 Tips for Using Drills 08:23 Spot Drills 09:44 Reamers 11:26 Boring 12:27 Circular Milling 13:07 InControl Compensation (G41, G42) 14:28 Accuracy of Machining Processes 16:21 Inspection of