Why was the German Army so Effective in World War 2
Why was the German Army so Effective and strong in World War 2 Consider to Support the Channel of Patreon and gain cool stuff: After the end of the Great War and after an unsatisfactory peace, huge inflation, and an unprecedented economic crisis, Germany was on its knees Even being a country with huge economic potential, due to the factories and companies that still existed there, Germany was, however, only a shadow of the former monarchy. But. .. from 1933 to 1941 Germany achieved what it had not realized in the previous war. It had a new army that was considered unstoppable, acting with precision, speed, and communication, taking by surprise the great European powers Thus, at the end of 1941, almost all of Europe was controlled by Germany and its allies. German soldiers could see the buildings of Moscow from a distance. .. Almost all predictions led to a total German victory. But How did this all happen Was it just th