Type Script Beginner Tutorial 1, What is Type Script
All FREE courses What is TypeScript Open source programming language from Microsoft Is a superset of JavaScript TypeScript extends JavaScript by adding types Transpiles down to plain JavaScript TypeScript validates your JavaScript ahead of time Why to use TypeScript Is extended JavaScript You can rename. js files to. ts Optional static typing and type inference JS is dynamically typed, Types are resolved at runtime TS is optionally typed TS adds type support to JS Errors are identified as you type your code and during compilation Adds IntelliSense and code completion Less errorprone code , TypeScript Stories by Raghav My Udemy Courses Every LIKE SUBSCRIPT. .., RaghavPal, whatistypescriptvsjavascript, whatistypescript, whytousetypescript, advantagesoftypescriptoverjavascript, howtypescriptworks, typescriptbeginnertutorials, typescripttutorialsforcompletebeginners, typescripttutorial, typescriptbyraghavpal 20211006 B4pxqNNgyrY