Keke Eddy Kenzo Official Music Video
, EddyKenzo, Keke We give thanks to: AFROMONDO PRODUCTIONS TEAM Production and Logistics Carmen Sanjuan Meléndez Alex M. Boicel SAULÓN GUERRERO AUDIOVISUAL Colombian Filming Company WANGARI DANCE COMPANY Medellín (Colombia) Yndira Perea Cuesta Wangari Dance Company Director Wangari Dance Company Crew: Liliana Hurtado Hineztrosa Luis Armando Viveros Mosquera Davinson Mosquera Palacios Katerin Moreno Aguilar Raitzza Natalia Castañeda Torres Christian Garcia Palacios Jhoan Andrés Mosquera Ibargüen Sandra Vanesa Murillo Mosquera Yesid Quejada Moreno Lucy Daneysa Sanchez Mosquera Daniela Pino Murillo Katherine Rodriguez Mosquera Jhon Stiwar Córdoba Parra Juan Daniel Pino Jaramillo Aura Cristina Mosquera Romaña New York team: Choreography Angel Kaba Dance Crew AfroDance Kids NYC Global Videographer Michael Gallagher Editor, Colorist Martin Beta Muhumuza Get your copy of Made in Africa Album: