Mistreat Skinhead Girl
I am submitting the lyrics of the song as proof that there is no word about any kind of hatred, just love for Skinead girls. So I ask everyone to enjoy the music because that is the point of this post or to. .. The queen of these filthy streets, always knows what to do As fast as she can blink the eye, she s gonna scare the hell out of you She s my sweet little rebel queen, she s the girl next door She looks really hot in her tight blue jeans, she s the girl I ve been looking for Chorus: She s the most beautiful pearl, she s my skinhead girl Can t even keep my eyes off her, she s my skinhead girl Everybody looks after her, she s my skinhead girl All the others are just the same, but my babe they can never tame She don t care what the others do, don t care what they say She s the vagabond of these streets, that s the way she lives today No one can twist her mind, she just wanna make love with her life When she come