I am a Pencil ( Je suis un Crayon) by Joe Carol DArcy ( TRIBECA Official Selection)
We write about love, we write about hate, and we debate about everything in between. Irrespective of our viewpoint, we will always express what we feel and think. We have an innate drive to express ourselves and no rule or regulation can silence the primitive, wild, passionate drive that exists within us all i. e. to be who we are as people. Expression is what connects us to each other. Expression is what supports us to experience what we ultimately seek for ourselves, and what we relentlessly seek from each other Joe D Arcy Writer, Director I am a Pencil (Je suis un Crayon) was inspired by the three million people in France who marched in support of unity, peace, and the freedom of expression on January 11th 2015 after the Charlie Hebdo massacre. I draw the world as it isas I see it (Full Festival, cast and crew info below) FESTIVAL INFO: I am a Pencil (Je suis un Crayon) is an award winning film that has screened across the world at many festivals including seven Acad