Bang On Balls: Chronicles, Launch Trailer ( PC, Play Station, Xbox + Switch)
Buy the game NOW Steam Nintendo Switch Playstation Xbox GOG BangOn Balls: Chronicles is a 3D platformer game that lets you explore, smash and customize your way through various chronicles. You play as BOB, an intern at BangOn studios, who is on a quest to become a star. Along the way, you will encounter different enemies, challenges, secrets and minigames. The game director of Exit Plan Games, Damien, will give you an overview of the game and its features in this video. You will learn about the current content of the game as well as our plans for the future (Including a brand new map coming as a FREE DLC ). No matter if youre a fan of BangOn Balls or if youre a new member of our community (hello ) this video is worth watching Join our community: Discord Website Twitter Facebook