Ammonite Hook Roll
Written pattern: My colorway on my blog Jump to a certain row in the pattern: Row 1 1:12 Row 2 4:03 Row 3 16:11 Row 4 18:17 Row 510 25:00 Row 11a 26:09 Row 12a 26:23 Row 11b 33:45 Row 12b 35:00 Row 1319 36:35 Row 20 37:19 Row 2123 39:00 Row 24 39:47 Seam: 44:47 Ammonite Round 1 50:07 Ammonite Round 2 52:06 Ammonite Round 3 54:39 Ammonite Round 4 58:37 Final Assembly 1:10:15 Follow me on my blog Follow me on Facebook Follow me on Instagram Copyright 2017 by It s all in a Nutshell. All rights reserved. This video or any portion thereof may not be copied, reproduced or distributed in part or in whole or used in any mann