Ana Carla Maza Las Primaveras
New Album Caribe release date 13th October 2023 Follow Ana Carla Maza Presave the song Web Site Tour Dates Contact : Instagram: Facebook: Spotify: PreOrder de CD Bandcamp: Credits Music written and composed by Ana Carla Maza Musicians : Cello Voice : Ana Carla Maza Piano : Norman Peplow Drums : Arnaud Dolmen Percussions : Luis Guerra Saxophone : Irving Acao Trombone : Fidel Fourneyron Sound Engineer: Timothe Gumy Engineer Mix: Ignasi Nogueras Mastering engineer : Marc Blanes New album Caribe CoProduction : Maison De la Musique Nanterre, Jazz Sous les Pommiers, Tourcoing Jazz, Jazz à Nevers, Persona Editorial Limited, Jazz Musiques Productions Video directed and filmed by Cristobal Alvarez Production Label Record : Persona Editorial Limited