5 days ago, June 12th (2)
marked the 4th anniversary of one of the most devastating massacres in US history, the Pulse night club shooting. Pulse was a popular LGBTQ+ bar in Orlando. A place where people of said community went to feel safe expressing who they were. On June 12th, 2016, 49 people were shot and killed, because of who they loved, or how they identified. 5 days ago in the middle of Pride, on the anniversary of the Pulse massacre, Trump finalized a regulation saying that the Affordable Care Acts ban on sex discrimination in medical care doesnt apply to trans people. I hope this makes you angry. Please be so angry that you wont settle for anything other than change. Please be so angry that you take 5 minutes to register to vote. SO ANGRY THAT YOU VOTE. So angry that you get your friends to vote. So angry that you tell your friends to fuck off if they try to justify discrimination. Here is one of my favorite poems by Andrea Gibson, titled Andrew Happy, pride today, and everyday