Homage To Winston (1964)
Full title reads: London. Homage To Winston. Sir Winston Churchill is honoured as he retires from the House of Commons. GV Looking across the river at the Houses of Parliament angle shot the Tower of Westminster Hall. LV Interior of Westminster Hall on the occasion of a presentation to Sir Winston. SV Mr Clement Attlee speaking. CU Portrait of Sir Winston Churchill, GV Sir Winston talking. (Anthony Eden and Lady Clarrisa Eden are listening). Churchill makes a joke about the portrait he doesn t like it very much. GV Houses of Parliament. LV Ditto. GV Sir Winston s car leaving the house Sir Winston can be seen. SV Crowd. SV Sir Winston in car. SV Car going away from camera. SV Lady Clementine Churchill walking in Hyde Park Gate. SV Sir Winston s car outside No 28. CU Sir Winston being helped out of the car. CU Woman taking photograph. CU Sir Winston standing in doorway. GV Car arriving outside No 28. SV Crowd. GV Christopher Soames, Randolph Churchill and Mary Churchill (Mrs Soames) walk