London West End Rainy Evening Walk, Wet City Streets Ambience
Walking Central London on a rainy evening through the West End including Soho, Leicester Square, Chinatown, Piccadilly Circus and Covent Garden, with reflections on wet pavements. Sights seen include: St MartinintheFields Church, The Duke of Yorks Theatre, Noël Coward Theatre, Leicester Square Station, Wyndham s Theatre, The Hippodrome Casino, Leicester Square, M Ms World, Kingdom of Sweets, Piccadilly Circus Station, Piccadilly Lights, Shaftesbury Memorial Fountain, Gielgud Theatre, Soho bars restaurants, Prince Edward Theatre, Palace Theatre, Chinatown restaurants, Covent Garden Market Building, Theatre Royal Drury Lane, and Covent Garden restaurants. Recorded August 2020, weekend early evening Weather Conditions Temperature rainy, 19C, 66F Find two WW logos hidden in this video ROUTE MAP 2. 7 miles, 4. 3 km walked WAYS TO SUPPORT CHANNEL, THANK ME Oneoff Tip