The Mysterious Arizona Meteorite That Baffled Experts, Meteorite Men, Spark
In the 1850 s a Mexican farmer came across a huge meteorite in Arizona. It became known as the Tucson Ring and now resides at the Smithsonian. In this episode, Arnold and Notkin search for more pieces in an attempt to solve one of the biggest mysteries in the world of meteorite hunters. For thousands of years, meteorites have slammed into the Earth s surface carrying an invaluable record of the origins of our solar system. But finding meteorites on Earth, some buried over centuries by thick layers of dirt and sediment, is no easy task. Meteorite hunters Steve Arnold and Geoff Notkin travel to some of the most remote locations around the world to explore the scientific and financial value of meteorites. Featuring treks in Chile, Sweden, Australia, the US, Mexico, and more, these meteorite men meet with top scientists, geologists, astronomers, and meteorite experts to reveal a deeper understanding of how meteorites have helped to build our solar system and shape our planet.