UNLOCK Your HIP Strength Mobility: Enhance Performance Movement
Head over to and use code BIONEER15 to get 15 off your Vivos The trail running course from Vivobarefoot: My training program: My Patreon: A HUGE thank you to Charlotte and Williamson Chiropractic and Sports Injuries Clinic for letting me film my recent treatment This one is all about hip training. How to develop strong, mobile, and injuryproof hips. I ve done similar videos on the elbows, shoulders, knees, and ankles, and those were all wellreceived. Hopefully, this offers some value, too Personally, I think that hip training is one of THE most overlooked aspects of rehab and functional performance. Particularly when it comes to abduction, adduction, and rotation. But we should also be training the hip hinge, hip flexors, and more So many of us have tight