Deniz Tekin Umrumda Degil, Sofar London 3
Deniz Tekin performing Umrumda Degil at Sofar London on August 20th, 2015. We put on more than 10 shows every month in London, see upcoming dates and signup for tickets here: See the full list of show dates here: (Sofar Sounds London, Show, 1986) Find us on Facebook and Twitter for more information (Nakarat, ,, Chorus) Yansın her köy, her şehir ve il, ,, Let every village, town and state burn Artık hiçbiri umrumda değil, ,, I don t care about any of them anymore Artık hiçbiri umrumda değil, ,, I don t care about any of them anymore Hatırlatma bana eskiden olanları, ,, Don t remind me of things that used to be Bende kalanları bıraktım evinin önüne, ,, I dropped off what I was left