Whats a soulmate , Skam universe multicouples 1000 Subscribers
Hi, I reached 1 000 subscribers a fews days ago and this is a little video to celebrate that. I hope you like it I m so happy, i didn t think I could reach such a high number of subs, I can t thank you all enough. Thank you for all your kind comments about my videos, I appreciate it a lot. Thank you for all the likes and views too. Shows: SKAM; Skam France; Skam Italia; Skam Espana; wtFOCK; DRUCK; Skam Austin; Skam NL. Couples: Noora William, Isak Even, Sana Yousef; Eliott Lucas, Sofiane Imane, Lola Maya; Eva Giovanni, Martino Niccolo, Eleonora Edoardo, Sana Malik; Cris Joana, Nora Alejandro, Amira Dani; Zoe Senne, Robbe Sander; Mia Alexander, Matteo David, Amira Mohammed; Grace Daniel; Isa Kes, Noah Liv. Song