TOP 30 BREAKDOWNS of September 2023
Metalcore, Hardcore, Beatdown, Deathcore 00:00 If Not For Me Blameless 00:39 Sleeping With Sirens Don t Let The Party Die 00:58 Polaris Dissipate 01:30 NTH RD Teeth 01:48 The Browning Poison 02:19 Forever, For Now Postscript 02:41 Nora Lake Light Bearer 03:14 Dematerialize Prime Evil 03:58 Finalizer Void 04:38 Mugshot Life s Debt 04:57 Sedative Romeo 05:17 Snuff Tape Spiraling 06:18 Thy Art Is Murder Corrosion 06:36 Slaughter Street God Help 07:26 Divisive Dweller 08:13 Volatile Ways Pink Mist Wish List 08:44 Nik Nocturnal feat. Alex Terrible Obscurity 09:30 Jiluka Venфm 09:58 To The Grave Anaesthetist (Enter Shikari Cover) 10:19 Semprus Hatred 10:56 Grotesque Desecration Irreversible Consequences 11:38 9 Dead A Silent Practice 12:03 To The Grave V For Visceral 12:57 Old Wharf Dread 13:40 Unhallowed Void Detached 14:15 Shallow Dissent Dwell In The Void 15:06 Old Wharf br, br,