This ORYX BUFF Concept Will Makes Him More Useful Versatile Rainbow Six Siege
Hello everyone, and welcome back to another episode of Rainbow Six Siege, I create highquality videos by combining the funniest and most epic game moments with the best creative editing. I spend hours making these moments fun and wonderful, I want to turn them into something new and original. , HighCaliber , Ubisoft Submit your clips to: Awesome people featured in the video (Make sure to support them): Editor Qumu: zMin: Subtilised Machine Gun Manny Papa Schlumpf eltr1no Bonnie1441 Milan Feroxdevilspuppet Whodrinksmalk Poniiez Milan DISYIM NOTurFRIEND6030 Vogel Abe2091 mukisashi Grand Lyphix Yabe. Xaaravos TheWindOnline TuMadreGamer69 Mercuryaf behemot6660 LuckyCat MiraakRmd Areaaa51 mhlshxh G4mez0s Thony1975 Specter G1 realpcwiz Optic B4NAN3 BlackDevil boot Milan bruhminator Thony1975 Fal