Disclaimer: All audio and visual parts in this video is the sole property of their respective owners. The video is purely for entertainment and recreational purposes. No Copyright infringement intended All rights go to its rightful owners. I do not own the rights of the music. Soapkills composes original sensual and melancholy electronic arrangements with strong inspiration from the classical arabic repertoire, (mohammad abdelwahab, asmahan) yet with equal inspiration from diverse musical moods such as Chet Baker and Aphex Twin. Soapkills was born when Zeid Hamdan and Yasmine Hamdan met each other in October 1997 (they aren t relatives). A cult group in Lebanon, they represent the new electro scene currently blossoming in the Middle East. Their sensual music draws much of its inspiration from Arab song, on which it is sometimes modelled. The music is based on Jasmine Hamdan s sensuous voice flirting with the minimalist electro of Zeid Hamdan s delicate machine tweakings. Lebanese film: A